G’Day Friends, Our next Working Bee will be on the weekend of April the 20/21st 2013.
What we plan to achieve is the installation of the last lengths of the new track light cable. Also
we hope start the removal of the old Friends wiring which has suffered from the damp cave
environment. Wait there is more ! we also would like to have a party begin the cleaning of
formation around and beyond the King Solomans area. So we need lots of help.
If you are attending this Working Bee please let Daryl know by contacting Mob 0427 809 136 if no
answer leave a message.
From Tuesday the 5th of March a small group of the Friends will be down at Buchan for the rest
of the week to assemble the track light wiring looms. The assembly of the looms is done outside
the cave on a long table in the Guides room at the Buchan caves reserve. On the Working Bee
weekend these looms which will total around 200meters in length will be carried in sections into
the cave then installed. The installation work is not to technical, just carefully connect up the track
lights, more experienced Friends will run you through the connecting up method. Or if you prefer
you can join the cleaning Teams. You then have the satisfaction of a significant contribution to the
completion of this cave resoration or recycling project.
If you attend this Working Bee the Parks will give you free camping in the Caves Reserve. I will need
to know if you will be taking advatage of Parks offer, I will let them know you name etc . If you are
staying at Homeleigh the normal Homeleigh rates apply
If you are attending the April Working Bee, or would like to help on the March loom assembly
please let Daryl know by contacting Mob 0427 809 136 if no answer leave a message.
On general news the FOBC have applied for a financial grant to continue with the Federal project.
The grant will be for path work and further improvements in Federal cave.